Monday, October 5, 2015

Blue Team Victory!

The Grade 6`s worked on practice book pages 26 and 27 all questions.

The grade 5`s were introduced to dividing with whole numbers. The students used different strategies to solve for the quotient of  large numbers 1875 / 4. The students used base 10 blocks to represent the number and to estimate. Please try questions 1. a) - e) on page 66. The lesson will continue tomorrow.

The students all wrote their unit 4 pre-test.

As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog

Today the students learned about the magical and diverse world of Protists. The were introduced to some of the main groups and watched a video about the diversity of Protists.
Thanks to Ella who reviewed food chains woth class.


Thank you to Izzy who lead the stretches.

The students had a thrilling game of dodge-ball, it was the Blue Team vs. The Moon Team. In the 1st match the Blue team were victorious. In the second game the students played doctor doge-ball and at the end of regular time the score was tied. The overtime event was a sudden death duel. Sarah vs. Bramley... 10 paces - one ball! The winner is .... Sarah and the BLUE TEAM.