Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What did the line graph say to the bar graph?

Reminders and Homework
No Math Homework
Complete UOI research
Plan and organize your Brochure
St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow.
Birthday Circle has been rescheduled for after March Break.
March Break begins next week
Term 3 begins Monday, March 26th.

Congratulations to our Junior Sideline Basketball team, they represented the school last night extremely well. They played with heart, pace and determination. Our team was half the size of the opponents and they were very successful! Well done!

This morning the grade 6 reviewed and the grade 5’s learned about Line Graphs. They focused on when to use and how to interpret the information presented in line graphs. They completed question 1 on page 172 using graphing software. They will resume the lesson tomorrow.

As usual please check out Miss. Cranfiled’s blog.

UOI – How we organize ourselves
The students had 2 work periods to complete the summative brochure.

As usual, the students had music last period with Mrs. Demetrio.