Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Thursday today, but it’s Wednesday? – Wednesday May 6th, 2015

As you are aware tomorrow is our exhibition trip to St. Jude’s. Due to this excursion we had a modified schedule today (Thursday’s schedule).

After French the students had a language lesson which was used to write the plan for the exhibition display board. The students made preliminary list of what to include, what the needs to be made and who is responsible for each part.

During math the students continued their study of fractions. The students took up comparing and ordering fractions homework, and worked on some examples. The second half of the lesson was used to work on some challenging word problems.

In the afternoon the students had their music lesson with Mrs. Angus.

Last period of the day was unit of inquiry the students continued to prepare their scripts and translations for the language component.  Unit of inquiry work should be typed, the entire essay, research, scripts, transcripts and references for Monday May 11th.

Thanks and I’m feeling 22, no it’s just tonight’s temperature.

Have a good evening,
