Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Winners and finishers, plus an appearance from a giant marshmallow - Wednesday May 13, 2015

Congratulations to Cole and Bramley, last night they both competed in the Knights of Columbus Annual Spelling Bee. Bramley finished highly with 5th place and Cole came in first well done to you both.  Here are some pictures from the night. Thank you to Mr. Purdell-Lewis and Ms. Lambert for providing them.

Mr. P. dropped in to showcase some cool science. He made a giant marshmallow. Abbie was very excited to test out the new marshmallow and she approves.  After French the students continued their work on the novel study (language/English).  They will wrap up the activity in the next lesson.

During Math the grade sixes learned how to subtract fractions. Spoiler alert! The method to add fractions are the same method, the only difference is the operation.
Grade fives corrected their homework book problems and continued their work on the word problems.

Officer Richard was growing too big for his pot so we transferred him to a new home.

After lunch the students had their Music lesson with Mrs. Angus.

Lastly, during the unit of inquiry lesson  the students worked on the exhibition.

Tonight students should be working on their speaking notes for their PowerPoint or Prezi presentations.

Making any edits to work

Bring in pictures for their tri-fold boards.

See you tomorrow.