Morning Assembly
The Jk's and Sk's had a teddy bear picnic today. Unfortunately, the weather didn't agree with their plans.
The students played doctor dodge-ball. Thank you to Abby who led the stretches.

The students worked on unit 15 of the language skills and it will be due on Friday June 19th.
The students had their last opportunity to practice their routines before their performances on Monday.
Unit of Inquiry
Apart of the IB program is to learn from experts on topics and subjects taught in the classroom. For our lesson Ms. Bellan B.a., LL.B. was invited into the grade 5/6 class to discuss the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Her talk primarily covered section 7 - 14: legal rights; and her work as a criminal defence lawyer.
The students asked complicated and interesting questions, and Ms. Bellan answered them phenomenally! All the students were engaged and agreed that it was beneficial to their learning and understanding of the Charter.
Thank you for giving us your time and we appreciate the knowledge you bestowed upon us. I definitely learned something today.
Work Period
The students used time to take up math questions or work on French.
See you at the BBQ/ Monday
Have a good weekend
A. Hunt