Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tricky Decimals, Wednesday June 10th, 2015


This morning the students made great strides with throwing and catching baseballs. We had a riveting game and everyone had a chance at bat. 

Thank you to Karlynn who led today's stretches.

In preparation for our upcoming math test we worked on ratios and multiplying with decimals. 
Below you can see the young ladies using base 10 blocks to work out multiplying whole numbers by tenths. 

The grade 6's worked on equivalent ratios. Questions on page 327: Q. 1, 2, 6, 9, and 13. this will be classwork tomorrow. (I am away at track and field all day). 

For unit of inquiry we began the research assignment to find out, who is the current federal government? This will also be worked on during tomorrow's lesson. 

Have a good evening, 

A. Hunt