Happy Birthday to Jasmine. She celebrated her birthday earlier this month.
Hurray! School is back in session.
This morning we had an exciting first day assembly lead by Mr. Playford and Mrs. Hamilton.
The IB learner Profile for this month is Inquirer! The IB attribute is Curiosity.
The students and I took part in an ICE breaker activity to get to know one another. Ask your son/daughter what object they would like to be? It was wonderful to hear about the exciting events that took place over summer.
The students and I went over code of conduct and ground rules.
This year we will;
1. Achieve
2. Respect
3. Do your best
The students came together to figure out what that really means.
New French time as you are aware, 1 hour lessons with Mme V. Please remember to visit her blog.

Unit of inquiry
Today the students had an introductory lesson on diversity of living things. The students generated many questions that we posted to the UOI board and they learned what the two major groups of animals are. This is a very exciting topic for me and I am looking forward to the next 6 weeks.
The students are having combined gym lessons with the 7/8's and they played a game of dodge-ball. Remember to bring gym uniform on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Homework and reminders
Please remember to subscribe to the blog at the bottom of right column, you will automatically receive an daily email when a new post has been added.
My blog address is http://ahuntmaples.blogspot.ca/
Research 2 animals (try to pick an unusual one)
Write two short paragraphs to describe the animals. Please include a physical description, where the animal lives, what they eat. etc.
Sketch one of the animals with pencil .
Please bring your subject binders for UOI and French. You may wish to get dividers for additional subjects for language and math. Bring what you need to help your child be the most organized.
Optional item personal set (2 to 4) of dry erase markers.
Thank you,
Mr Hunt