1. MAD minute
Students worked on their addition and subtraction facts.
2. Unit 2 Pre-test
At the introduction of every unit the students complete a pre-test to the best of their ability and as a class the students determine the success criteria for the unit.
Math Homework
Pre-Lesson reading
Read Math Makes Sense Unit 2 lesson 2 both grade 5 and 6.
Grade 5 Using Mental Math to Add
Grade 6 Understanding Large Numbers
Work period
Students worked on outstanding work due in this week.
Grammar skills Unit 1
Due: Friday September 18, 2015
Remember to do the WRITTEN EXPRESSIONS section, as it will be collected and graded.
As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog

Continue work on the OWA report writing
The students were assigned a short research project on Carl Linnaeus Due on Wednesday September 16th and will be presented in class on the 16th and 17th (if extra time is needed). Students will continue to work on this project during tomorrow's UOI period.
Thank you to both Morgan and Sydney Madgett who lead the stretches. The students particpated in a 2 passing drills the first was a warm-up and the second was passing for accuracy.
Lastly we had mixed teams play a quick exhibition match which ended in a draw. Nill - Nill
Today the annual Terry Fox Run information and pledge sheet went home to parents our class goal is $830
See you all tomorrow,
Mr. Hunt