Cross Country Tryouts will be held after school on Tuesday September 29th and Wednesday September 30th. To accommodate students that cannot make after school tryouts please inform me and additional tryouts will be held on Wednesday September 30th at lunch recess.
Grade 5
Multiplication and division facts to 144
The grade 5's looked at patterns in the multiplication table and the
Math makes sense textbook page 49 questions 1 - 8
Grade 6 continued the lesson on mental math. The students learned strategies to correctly multiply large numbers and expressions with 3 or more factors. For example 25 x 4 x 19. As well as subtraction with 3- and 4- digit numbers.
Spelling unit 3 pre-test for all grades.
In the afternoon students worked on their reports. Reports are due in on Wednesday. There will be one more work period in class tomorrow.
As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog
Today the students learned about the different kingdoms of living things, there are 5:
- Animalia
- Plantae
- Fungi
- Protists
- Monera
The students learned about the major characteristics of each group.
Than you to Andrew who lead the stretches. the unit is soccer and organized sports today's lesson was a game of scooter-board hockey.