Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Let's Go Blue Jay's

Reminder to all parents to please bring your Terry Fox t-shirt in addition to normal uniform, for the Special Assembly Tomorrow

Mad minute - multiplication facts

Practice book grade 5 working on division problems for extra practice. Pages 32 and 33
Grade 6 taking up questions for multiplying 2 - and 3- digit numbers.


Spelling unit 5 pre-test completed by all students
Hand back the Reports
DRA - by most students

After lunch the students had a fun music lesson with Mrs. Angus. Parents please check their agenda to see which pieces they have been asked to practice.

Blue Jay's Spirit day class selfie's 


There were a few casualties over the long weekend, some deaths within the snail population. All the fish are healthy and thriving. The students took Day 2 observations and sealed the fish tanks. 

Have a good evening.

Mr Hunt