Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thanksgiving dessert


Today the grade 6's finished their lesson on Multiplying With Whole Numbers.
Text book homework is on pages 66 - 67.
1a-d, 2a,c,e,g, 3, 5, 6a - d & 8

Remember to practice and review for the test coming up on the 16th of October.

Grade 5's continued work on Dividing With Whole Numbers and using long division.
Pages 66 - 67
Questions 1 - 6

The students had their unit 4 post tests and a work period to work on the unit 4 spelling book exercises. This will be due next Wednesday.

After lunch the students had a fun music lesson with Mrs. Angus. Parents please check their agenda to see which pieces they have been asked to practice.


The students set up their fish tanks today and wrote their first journal entry. A part of the cumulative project is to write a science lab report about their enclosed ecosystem and the laboratory journal is a large component. It will be completed in class daily. The students learned about qualitative and quantitative observations and were very excited to start studying the fish and snails. NO fish were harmed in the setting up of this project.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a long weekend.

Enjoy the videos from the Thanksgiving celebration that took place today at lunch.