A80 finish reading chapter 21
Hatchet - continue work on culminating assignment
At the beginning of the school year I wanted to find my own way of doing Star Student of the Week. The grade 5/6's love using the Boogie Board e-writer for note taking, sketches and just for fun. I decided that the star student would be rewarded with exclusive use of the Boogie Board in class for a week. Starting this week I will highlight that student on the Blog.
We have reached near the end of the second round of Star Student for this academic term. The criteria choosing the Star Student is exemplary work and/or behaviour from the past week. Although (week beginning Feb 15) was a short week due to Family Day and the Ski Trip, Bramley showed star student work ethic during Unit of Inquiry and I am happy to award her Star Student of the Week.
I will be watching for exemplary work and behaviour and post the star students on Monday's Blog.
The Grade 5 and 6's took up the distance and time homework questions.
The began two new lessons: Estimating and Counting Money and 24 - Hour Clock respectively.
Both grades will continue their lesson tomorrow.
Novel study
Phileas Fogg is on a steam boat heading for Japan with his companions, Aouda and detective Fix. The A80 group caught up on the adventure and started reading chapter 21 together. Please finish this reading for tomorrow.
Students reading Hatchet continued their work on their final assignment.
As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog.
Imports and exports
Today the student's learned about balance of trade, imports, exports and Canada's current trading partners.
Did you know that the United States of America is still Canada's biggest trading partner? The students learned today Canada's current top 5 trading partners (c. 2014, StatsCanada.gov.ca):
1. USA
2. China
3. United Kingdom
4. Japan
5. Mexico
The students will conclude their lesson tomorrow.
Drop and give me 20!
Today grades 5 - 8 students began the Fitness/European Handball unit. The students were out of breath by the final station, and they had to complete the circuit twice! 1 minute per station with a 30 second rest in between. They can look forward to planning their own circuit this term.
Station 1: Abdominal Crunch "row" |
Station 1 Planks, sit ups and rowing crunch |
Station 2: Arm lift |
Station 4 - Squats