Causal Day tomorrow
Spelling lesson due tomorrow
Both grade 5's and 6's completed their lessons from the previous day. They were very productive today and accomplished a lot! Collaboratively they tackled a few tricky problem solving questions. No homework.
Today was a language catch up period - wherein the students completed a few outstanding tasks (Novel study assignment, spelling lesson, narrative). The students worked very well and I was proud of their efforts.
As usual after lunch the students had a music lesson with Mrs. Angus. Parents please check their agenda to see which pieces they have been asked to practice.
The students had a research period to find current information on Canada's trading partners, imports and major exports. For this task they need to use the most up to date information available (statistics are not acceptable past 2010). The have to include the top countries and examples of the goods or services exported or imported. Examples were provided in class.
Here are some useful websites:
Canada's Statistics
1. Kid friendly (c. 2013)
2. Stats-Can (major trading partners)
3. Canada Major imports/exports
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow,
Mr. Hunt