Thursday, June 2, 2016

Key Features of Electrical Circuits

PTA BBQ June 11th from 2 - 5 pm
Birthday Cirlce for the month of June on Friday June 3rd
Birthday Circle July and August June 10th
An email went home asking for parent drivers for the field  trip on Friday June 10th, please let us know if you're available to drive.

House games by  Mr Hunt.

Grade 6 lesson improper fractions - work will resume tomorrow.
Take up homework comparing fractions both grades.

Both Novel study groups read their respective novels. The group reading days of Terror are nearly finished and the students reading The Master Puppeteer are about to start the next section chapters 10 - 12. The students went of key events in the story and read as a group.

Sound bite from Mrs. Angus.
She treated the full band (5 - 8) to delicious chocolate cake for a job well done.

Today the students learned about circuit components and proper technique for drawing circuit diagrams. They had excellent questions during the lesson and demonstrated their inquiry skills today.

Groups were assigned for the mini-project. In pairs students will build a motorized car and boat. They will explain how the electrical components were put together and allow the boat/car to work.
Why not selfie
A treat from Mrs. Angus 
Memory Challenge 
Students' Revenge a.k.a Throw the Ball at the Teacher