Friday, March 9, 2018

Tea Party and Magic Shows

NO!!!! Homework

Today the students had their Trading Partners Tea Party. Thank you to all the parents for the assistance and the baked goods. A special mention to Mrs. Hann for supplying the scones, and miniature sandwiches. Thank you, Mrs. Wiesner for the Brown Betty teapot.

The students made excellent deals based on the import needs of their country. Fun and interesting facts were shared by all. Lastly, The brochures were well done and polished. Look forward for Exhibition information at the beginning of Term 3.

I have been anticipating, Arts Day at the Maples for quite some time. Thank you to the Dufferin Arts Council for funding such a terrific programme. They provide funding for skilled and talented artists to come into school for half day sessions. Students from grades 3 – 6 and 7 – 8 enjoyed Steve Baker’s Magic tutorial. Check out his website for magic trick tutorials.

I planned start fresh after March Break with star student but, I was thoroughly impressed by Will. He made excellent progress in Math and aced his UOI Quiz. Will is the Star Student of the Week. Keep up the good work!