Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Olympian Gods

UOI – Gods and Goddesses fill in the blank

This is a reminder to attend the information meeting on Monday, September 24th at 7:00 pm regarding the proposed New York trip. Please be sure to come with your questions.

Please bring in your casual day money – Casual day is the last Wednesday of every month.
Bring in Terry Fox Pledges Forms

No Math homework
Grammar Skills and Spelling unit 2 tomorrow 

An Inquiry into Mathematics
The students corrected the problems from The Strategies Toolkit. Well done!

An Inquiry into Language
The students continued working on their myths.
The students read and discussed Percy Jackson for the second part of the period.

As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog.

An inquiry into Visual Art
As usual, the students had art last period with Mrs. Doucette. Please check the agenda for homework activities.

An Inquiry into Physical and Health Education
As usual please check out Miss. Cranfield’s blog.

Unit of inquiry
The students began studying the Greek gods. They made connections to the novel study and The Odyssey.  

The lesson will resume tomorrow.
Please complete the fill in the blank sheet for homework.

I’ve attached the comprehension questions to be complete during tomorrow’s lesson.