After a warm up of laps, push ups, sit ups and squats, the students played a game of basketball in gym. You can see how some students are feeling more comfortable with the skills and applying them better.
In math, the grade 6's continued their practice with surface areas. Following a quick check with everyone, they really demonstrated their knowledge of how to apply the formulas to the process. The grade 5's found areas of irregular shapes that had pointed corners and rounded edges. They used rectangles to find the area of the big part and estimated the rest by counting. Reviews will happen tomorrow.
The grade 6's had three chapters taken up from their novel in language to complete all the work associated with it. Their comprehension test will be tomorrow. The grade 5's finished putting plot points on their narrative board and began working with a partner on two short narratives; one that ends positively and one that ends in a negative way. We also had time to discuss and begin organizing the dance assignment for the term. Since we are learning about various religions and cultures, the students will be presenting a part of a dance from another culture and a brief history of what the dance represents and how it is a part of that culture.
We concluded our look at the Buddhist code for living in the unit of inquiry and then began work on a picture essay that will display a holiday, event or celebration from a chosen religion. The students are working in partners or groups of three to complete this task.