Language started with the grade 5's reading chapters 7 - Epilogue to complete their novel. Their comprehension test will be on Wednesday of next week. The grade 6's had chapter 9 taken up and then read chapter 10.
The 6's continued with area of a triangle in math by working from both their homework book and textbook. They were assigned p. 140 #1, p. 141 #1-3, SYT and p. 360 #1-4 and 9. Grade 5's had all of their work on measuring perimeter taken up. Then, they developed two formulas. One was for finding the perimeter of a square and the other was for finding the perimeter of a rectangle.
In art, the class saw examples of how to draw a hand and make it look 3-D by shading and using curved lines. The effect of the art piece makes it appear as though the hand is raised.
To begin our new unit of inquiry, the students were each responsible for researching how a specific religion was started. We decided that if they wanted to create their own religion, it would be best to know how and why past religions began. They will share their findings on Monday.
Have a great weekend!