The grade 6's had 2 chapters to take up in language before moving on to chapter 9. With only four chapters left, the grade 6's will probably be having a comprehension test after the long weekend. While the 6's took up, the grade 5's worked together to combine all their answers to the three questions about leukemia that I posed to them the other day. Their goal was to create the most descriptive answers possible by including as many details as they could. The grade 5's are almost finished "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" and they will probably have a comprehension test by the middle of next week.
The grade 5's were assigned p. 325/326 #2-8 from their math textbook. The grade 6's took up answers from yesterday and then completed the corresponding work from their homework book.
It was a transition day for our unit of inquiry. We moved on from learning about the human body and have shifted our focus towards religions. I asked the class what they thought would be a fun assignment or project to complete at the end. Many of them thought creating their own religion would be interesting. So then, I asked what would they need to know about religions to be able to complete this assignment. Together, we developed a list of several aspects of religions that they would need to study in order to be able to properly design their own religion.