Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The class was given a question to solve with their table groups to start math. They understood that when a zero is added to the end of a decimal number, it doesn't change the value of the number. This allowed us to move into the comparison of decimal numbers. We tested some ideas that students had about how to compare decimals and came to a conclusion. They used the iPad in their groups to answer questions and then moved on to textbook and homework book work. Grade 5's were assigned p. 50 and 51 and then p. 123 #6. Grade 6's were assigned p. 48 and p. 123 #1, 2, 4, 7-9.
Dance practice was after first recess. All the groups look like they're on track and have been showing good progress. After, they went to gym with Mr. Hunt where they practiced more badminton skills.
Students created story plans in language for their dragon narratives. The goal today was to have an outline for the story, making sure the problem fit with the rest of the story.
We heard the last religious celebration/festival/holiday presentation during the unit of inquiry. This picture essay was about Hanukkah. Following that we discussed our next project. The students will be making something that represents a specific religion. I wrote various religions on the board and students research symbols, items and food that had some significance for those religions. This gave the entire class a large list of possible ideas. We also talked about what things to consider when picking something to make, such as individual skill, likes, familiarity and materials.