Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We began our morning with language. Students will be starting a new novel for literature circles. I chose 8 possible books and, by student vote, we whittled it down to the 3 books that will be read. After that, we used the magic hat to decide who was going to read each book. Some students then went with Mrs. Ruby and with the help of the remaining students, we chose the four literature circle jobs that will be rotated each day. Students will begin reading tomorrow.
In math, grade 5's answered some follow up questions on multiplying by 10's from their textbook on p. 142 #5-7. They also took up work from the previous day and made corrections. Grade 6's learned how to multiply whole numbers by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. They completed work on p. 60 #2 and p. 61 #1 in their homework book and p. 145 #5-8 from their textbook.
Our new unit of inquiry will be exhibition. It is a sizable group project that will look at an environmental issue that has large scale implications. Students will be working together to write an essay, put together a tri-fold board, create a presentation and perform some action to help the issue. We talked about how we don't see all the environmental issue in the world and their homework was to research issues that we have created with the environment.
Please remember that tomorrow's ski trip has been moved to Thursday.