Monday, April 27, 2015

Feast of Fractions! Monday April 27, 2015

This morning during the Gym lesson we had a spectacular workout session. The students played another great game of European handball.  The player of the match for yellow was Abbie and for the green team Ben. Yellow was victorious 11 to 9.

Here is a clip of Morgan’s good skipping form;

During today’s math lesson we made pizza, bread and cheese. We had a meal of fractions; the students had thirds, quarters and sixths of Canadian cedar cheese. The students were really hungry for fractions and they had half of a pizza, a third and then a tenth! They were able to explain that 5 tenths is equal to a half. Eureka! We made equivalent fractions.

Part 2 of equivalent fractions will be completed tomorrow.

The first half of our Language lesson the students worked on unit 13 of the language skills book. The second half was splint into 2 quarters ;) in the 3rd quarter we had a tornado drill.  The 4th quarter the students had a mock Spelling Bee. We will determine the two grade 5 students that will be representing The Maples Academy during tomorrow. .

During unit of inquiry the students began to brainstorm some ideas for the action component of the exhibition. The students came up with huge ideas.