Friday, April 17, 2015

The nameless table - Friday April 17, 2015

We had an invigorating early morning workout today. In gym we continued our fitness regime and did 2 excellent circuits consisting of star jumps (or jumping jacks), sit ups, push ups, and knock down and build up. Today Jasmine, Ella and Karlynn did their push ups with exemplary form; they received 100 house points each.

This was followed by an intense game of European handball which ended in a victory for the yellow team.

In math I  returned the transformations assessment and that is available for viewing. We continued with a lesson on congruent figures. The students worked on practise problems from the text and the respective pages and questions can be found in the homework and reminders tab.

We also assigned classroom responsibilities and tables. The magic hat picked Morgan as the head of table 1 and Oliver the head of table 2. Cole was picking from the magic hat for table 3 but he returned the name before it could be announced. This greatly offended the magic hat and it decided that table 3 would be known as the nameless table as a punishment.

It has been quite a while since we last read our novels in our literature circles, so we caught up with our favourite characters during our language lesson after lunch.

Finally, during unit of inquiry we did a health check of where we should be with our projects and worked on our individual essay draft 3. The remainder of the lesson was used as a work period.

Have a great weekend and see you Monday,
