Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Inquirer and Curiosity

Respect page 23
Bring Binders
Photos for – My Summer

First of the month assembly was led by Mrs. O and house games were led by Miss Cranfield. The IB attribute for this month was inquirer and the attitude for the month is curiosity. The house games were silly and loads of fun.


The grade five’s and six’s wrote a pre-assessment for the Whole Numbers unit. Tomorrow’s lesson will be cover large whole numbers and place values.

UOI – Language
Spelling Diagnostic test

The students completed their tests to determine spelling groups. The results will be communicated next week.

UOI – Attribute and Attitude Investigation
The students learned about the attitude of respect. They discussed the ways various ways people give respect.

My Summer
Wow! The summer adventures have been thrilling. Thank you to the students that shared today. I look forward to hearing the remaining stories tomorrow.

Lastly, the students had their first lesson with Mrs. Demetriou. 

Have a great evening.

Mr. Hunt