Thursday, September 7, 2017

You have a great 'Attitude'!

Homework and Reminders
Please return 
Yoga, Code of conduct, and PTA BBQ forms 
Math Homework - Grade 6 
Math Makes Sense page 37 questions 1 - 4 
Math Homework Grade 5 
Math Makes Sense page 30 questions 1 - 3 

Grade 5 and 6's reviewed the 3 primary ways they will represent whole numbers standard form, number word form and expanded form. They also explored place value charts up to millions. 

They began working on the exercises in class and will continue next lesson. 

As usual the students had their P.E. lesson with Ms. Cranfield.

As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog.

After recess the students had art with Mrs. Doucette. 

UOI - Attitude and Attribute investigation
The students corrected their homework. 

The remaining students shared their summer experiences with the class.